Results for 'Dianne H. Pilgrim'

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  1.  50
    Professional codes of conduct and computer ethics education.Dianne C. Martin & David H. Martin - 1990 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 20 (2):18-29.
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    Emotion and culture: A meta-analysis.Dianne A. van Hemert, Ype H. Poortinga & Fons J. R. van de Vijver - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (5):913-943.
    A meta-analysis of 190 cross-cultural emotion studies, published between 1967 and 2000, was performed to examine (1) to what extent reported cross-cultural differences in emotion variables could be regarded as valid (substantive factors) or as method-related (statistical artefacts, cultural bias), and (2) which country characteristics could explain valid cross-cultural differences in emotion. The relative contribution of substantive and method-related factors at sample, study, and country level was investigated and country-level explanations for differences in emotions were tested. Results indicate that a (...)
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    ‘More Crucial’ Matters: Reclaiming ‘Sustainability’ and Transcending The Rhetoric of ‘Choice’ through Ecofeminist Pedagogy.Karyn Pilgrim & H. Louise Davis - 2015 - Ethics and the Environment 20 (1):123-139.
    I would say very simply that the function of the intellectual is this: to put at the disposal of others, to put in common, this greater set of critical analytical tools, to make those tools freely available, and this naturally demands being rooted in reality that is in movement, a reality in which the researcher herself puts certain choices into practice, in which she can deem some matters to be more crucial than others. And the hope is, depending on the (...)
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  4. The wayward mysticism of Alan Watts. Prefatory note / Alexander H. Catlin ; Essay.Louis Nordstrom & Richard Pilgrim - 2024 - In Peter J. Columbus (ed.), Alan Watts in late-twentieth-century discourse: commentary and criticism from 1974-1994. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Pilgrim Existence: A Consideration of the Bible in The Pilgrim's Progress.Balmer H. Kelly - 1972 - Interpretation 26 (1):62-71.
    Bunyan... stands a great deal closer to us than many interpreters of Scripture who may be nearer in time by centuries.
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    Religion and Pilgrim Tax under the Company Raj.M. H. F. & Nancy Gardner Cassels - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):176.
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    The Way of the White Clouds; A Buddhist Pilgrim in Tibet.E. H. S. & Anagarika Govinda - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):211.
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    Lessons to Be Learned from Harvard Pilgrim HMO's Fiscal Roller Coaster Ride.Frances H. Miller & Walter W. Miller - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (3):287-304.
    The recent high-profile financial difficulties of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, the largest HMO in Massachusetts and consistently rated as one of the top ten HMOs in the nation, shed light on many problems common to health insurers throughout the country. This article explores those difficulties in the context of the short but complicated history of Harvard Pilgrim, and its regulatory and competitive environments. The state legislation which made a receivership proceeding possible for Harvard Pilgrim offered some protection (...)
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    Maribel Dietz, Wandering Monks, Virgins, and Pilgrims: Ascetic Travel in the Mediterranean World, A.D. 300–800. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005. Pp. x, 270. [REVIEW]Adam H. Becker - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1180-1181.
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    Between Science and Religion. [REVIEW]H. J. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (4):765-766.
    This book develops the theses that in late Victorian England there was a move to replace the ideological orthodoxy of establishment Christianity with "scientific naturalism," that this outlook was no less ideological, orthodoxy-demanding, and establishmentarian in its mentality than what it tried to replace, and that a number of bright minds were no more willing to conform to the new order than they had been to the old. The themes are elaborated by the portrayal of the intellectual progress of six (...)
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  11.  42
    Is There a Social Contract? I.H. D. Lewis - 1940 - Philosophy 15 (57):64 - 79.
    It is easy to dispose of the historical aspect of this question. When Aristotle affirmed that the family is more natural than the State, in the sense of original rather than final or necessary, and taught his contemporaries to regard the State as the result of a gradual development through the family and the tribe, he adopted a viewpoint which would probably find universal endorsement to-day. Only a particularly perverse writer would endeavour to revive the controversy as to whether or (...)
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    Grace Hunting: Paul Gerhardt's Lutheran Christian Spirituality.Gisela H. Kreglinger - 2013 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 6 (2):160-178.
    This article explores the rich tradition of Lutheran spirituality by examining the hymns of the seventeenth-century Lutheran hymn writer Paul Gerhardt. At times Lutheran theology is accused of emphasizing grace as pardon with little or no reflection on grace as empowerment. Paul Gerhardt is a wonderful representative of Lutheran spiritual theologians who hold the two together. In one of the darkest moments of Christian history, the Thirty Year War and its aftermath, Gerhardt was able to hunt for signs of God's (...)
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  13.  30
    A National Shrine to Scapegoating?: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Washington, D.C.Jon Pahl - 1995 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 2 (1):165-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A National Shrine to Scapegoating? The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Washington, D.C. Jon Pahl Valparaiso University In a recent survey I conducted of visitors to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C, 92 percent agreed that "the memorial is a sacred place, and should be treated as such."1 Clearly, this place, by some reports the most visited site in the U.S. capital, draws devotion. But how does a pilgrimage to (...)
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  14.  12
    Indian logic in the early schools: a study of the Nyāyadarśana in its relation to the early logic of other schools.H. N. Randle - 1930 - New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corp. : distributed by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Description: Ancient Indian logic by itself is a very vast subject. The ancient Sanskrit term nyaya which was first used in a different or in a much more general sense, was later specifically applied to the Nyaya school. The physics and physiology and psychology of the Nyaya doctrine are not specifically its own, being from the first indistinguishable from those of its sister Sastra, the Vaisesika. What characterizes it specifically is the development of the nyaya or five-membered method of demonstration (...)
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  15. Longitudinal improvement of self-regulation through practice: building self-control strength through repeated exercise.Mark Muraven, Roy Baumeister & Dianne Tice - 1999 - Journal of Social Psychology 139 (4):446–57.
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  16. Sefer Yiśmaḥ libi: maʼamarim ṿe-ʻiyunim be-hanaḥot muskamot u-meḳubalot im yesh la-hen masoret u-meḳor be-divre Ḥazal ṿe-rishonim.Ḥayim Zeʼev Hershḳoṿiṭsh - 2023 - Monṭreol: Mekhon 'Banim u-vene banim'.
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    Algebraic Logic.H. Andréka, James Donald Monk & I. Németi - 1991 - North Holland.
    This volume is not restricted to papers presented at the 1988 Colloquium, but instead aims to provide the reader with a (relatively) coherent reading on Algebraic Logic, with an emphasis on current research. To help the non-specialist reader, the book contains an introduction to cylindric and relation algebras by Roger D. Maddux and an introduction to Boolean Algebras by Bjarni Joacute;nsson.
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  18. GMOs and global justice: Applying global justice theory to the case of genetically modified crops and foods.K. Høyer Toft - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (2):223-237.
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    Psychology: An Elementary Text-Book.H. Ebbinghaus & M. F. Meyer - 1908 - Dc Heath.
    Psychology has a long past, yet its real history is short. For thousands of years it has existed and has been growing older; but in the earlier part of this period it cannot boast of any continuous progress toward a riper and richer development. In the fourth century before our era that giant thinker, Aristotle, built it up into an edifice comparing very favorably with any other science of that time. But this edifice stood without undergoing any noteworthy changes or (...)
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  20.  29
    Religious Perspectives on Bioethics, Part I.Laura Jane Bishop & Mary Carrington Coutts - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (2):155-183.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religious Perspectives on Bioethics, Part ILaura Jane Bishop (bio) and Mary Carrington Coutts (bio)This is Part One of a two part Scope Note on Religious Perspectives on Bioethics. Part Two will be published in the December 1994 issue of this Journal. This Scope Note has been organized in alphabetical order by the name of the religious tradition.Contents for Parts 1 and 2Part 1Part 2I.GeneralI.Native AmericanII.African Religious TraditionsReligious TraditionsIII.Bahá'í FaithII.Protestantism—willIV.Buddhism (...)
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  21. (1 other version)L'avenir Des Mathématiques.H. Poincaré - 1908 - Scientia 2 (4):1.
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    Church Teaching as the ‘Language’ of Catholic Theology.William J. Hoye - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (1):16-30.
    Book reviewed in this article: In Search of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History. By John Van Seters. The Hidden God: The Hiding of the Face of God in the Old Testament. By Samuel E. Balentine. Theodicy in the Old Testament. Edited by James L. Crenshaw. Ce Dieu censé aimer la Souffrance. By François Varone. Evil and Evolution, A Theodicy. By Richard W. Kropf. ‘Poet and Peasant’ and ‘Through Peasant Eyes’: A Literary‐Cultural Approach to (...)
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  23. The Philosophy of Punishment.H. B. Acton & Ted Honderich - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (174):341-341.
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  24. ʻIlm al-manṭiq al-ḥadīth.ʻAbd al-Rāziq & Muḥammad Ḥasanayn - 1928 - al-Qāhirah: Maṭbaʻat Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣrīyah.
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  25. Das Leib-Seele-Problem: Dualismus, Monismus, Perspektivismus.H. -U. Hoche - 1987 - Philosophia Naturalis 24 (3):218-236.
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  26.  39
    Dharma Bums: The Beat Generation and the Making of Countercultural Pilgrimage.P. J. Johnston - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:165-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dharma Bums: The Beat Generation and the Making of Countercultural PilgrimageP. J. JohnstonI believe in the sweetness of Jesus And Buddha— I believe, In St. Francis, Avaloki Tesvara, the Saints Of First Century India A D And Scholars Santidevan And Otherwise Santayanan Everywhere.(Kerouac 1959: 15)Preliminary Polemics“PILGRIM, n. A traveler that is taken seriously.”—Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary 2007: 133As Beat commentator Stephen Prothero describes in his article “On (...)
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  27. Christian Faith and Greek Philosophy [by] A.H. Armstrong and R.A. Markus.A. H. Armstrong & R. A. Markus - 1960 - Darton, Longman & Todd.
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  28. Perush ʻal haḳdamat ha-Rambam le-Fereḳ Ḥeleḳ: Igeret teḥiyat ha-metim.Shelomoh Ḥayim Aviner - 2012 - Bet-El: Sifriyat Ḥaṿah.
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  29. Word and Spirit, Calvin's Doctrine of Biblical Authority.H. Jackson Forstman - 1962
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  30. Revues.H. V. F. - 1890 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 23 (4):415.
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  31. Fine arts and rhetoric at the end of the 20th century.H. G. Gadamer - 2000 - Filozofia 55 (4):342-346.
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  32. Issues in Relation to Learning About Religion.H. Gash - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):137-138.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Religion: A Radical-Constructivist Perspective” by Andreas Quale. Upshot: Quale offers a way of categorizing religious discourse based on radical constructivism. This commentary raises questions about the inter-relation of cognitive and non-cognitive knowledge, the role of testimony in learning about religion, and whether knowledge and belief have different roles in cognitive and non-cognitive knowledge, and suggests that Quale’s analysis opens a tolerant perspective on religious discourse.
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  33. The wessez of Thomas Hardy's Novels.H. Gatti - 1967 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 20 (1):37-50.
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  34. Freedom and the Self-Determination of Groups.H. Gomperz - 1941 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 7:37.
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  35. Saint Theodore le Strätelate et'les Russes d'Igor.H. Gregoire - 1938 - Byzantion 13 (298):135.
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  36.  16
    Temporal stages in the development of the self.H. B. Green - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence (eds.), The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 1--19.
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  37.  18
    Experimental pharmacogenetics: physiopathology of heredity and pharmacological responses.H. Grüneberg - 1965 - The Eugenics Review 56 (4):209.
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    Falāsifat Qarṭāj.Luṭfī Ḥajalāwī (ed.) - 2020 - Tūnis: Kalimah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  39. Obligation and coercion.H. L. A. Hart - 1966 - In Martin Golding (ed.), The nature of law. New York,: Random House.
  40. V.A. McCarthy, "Quest for a philosophical Jesus: Christianity and philosophy in Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and Schelling".H. S. Harris - 1989 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 26 (1):62.
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  41. Akhlāqunā.Kamāl Ḥaydarī - 2020 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Narjis lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ṭalāl Ḥasan.
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  42. E. A. Sillem, George Berkeley and the Proofs for the Existence of God.H. Heimsoeth - 1959 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 51:500.
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  43. Etude sur les données morales de Herbert Spencer, de "James Mc Cosh." traduit.H. A. G. H. - 1881 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 14 (1):31.
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    Geschichte der neueren philosophie.Harald Høffding - 1921 - Leipzig: O. R. Reisland. Edited by F. Bendixen.
    Geschichte der neueren Philosophie ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1895. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitäten erhältlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bücher neu und trägt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur und historischem Wissen auch für die Zukunft bei.
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    Helen Keller.K. H., Helene A. Kelleder & W. J. Greenstreet - 1893 - Mind 2 (6):280-284.
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    Finger prints, palms and soles. An introduction to dermatoglyphics.H. G. Hill - 1945 - The Eugenics Review 36 (4):132.
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    Social Identities of Children in different Institutional Contexts.Susanne Højlund - 2001 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 3 (2):49-60.
    Based on an ethnographic fieldwork the article analyses the experiences of 8-10 year old children in three different institutions. It is shown how the children create and maintain different social landscapes in each setting. This means that children's experiences are related to the position they have in the landscape. The notion social identity is used to discuss and explain these findings. With this notion identity is explained as an interplay between internal and external factors: between group-identification and categorisation. Children's different (...)
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  48. (1 other version)5. Handel's Messiah in Dublin.H. Wendell Howard - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 10 (2).
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  49. Decision tree: introduction.H. Ishwaran & J. S. Rao - 2009 - In Michael W. Kattan (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making. Sage Publications. pp. 323--328.
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  50. Manhaj al-falāsifah al-Islāmīyīn fī ithbāt wujūd Allāh Taʻālá wa-waḥdānīyatihi wa-al-nubūwāt wa-al-baʻth: dirāsah wa-naqḍ.Ṣāliḥ Ḥusayn Raqab - 2021 - al-Kuwayt: Dār Fāris li-Baʻth al-Turāth wa-Taʼṣīl al-Fikr.
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